Our Specialist Services
Gastroscopy + Colonoscopy

Specialist consultation
Specialist consultations attract an out of pocket fee of $70 for initial consultations and $50 for review consultations.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Swallowing + Heartburn clinic
The Swallowing + Heartburn clinic at Gastro IQ is a streamlined clinic designed to provide rapid answers to patients experiencing symptoms.
In clinic Iron infusions
Low iron levels, also called ‘iron deficiency’, can impair our ability to transport oxygen to our tissues learn more about our in clinic iron infusions.
Specialist dietitian
Education and guidance from a qualified dietitian specializing in gastrointestinal disorders, gut health and gut-related symptoms.
Gastroscopy + Colonoscopy
Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy are minimally invasive procedures that allow us to look at the inside of your digestive tract. They allow direct visualization of the gut and are often the best way to make a diagnosis.
- during a gastroscopy a thin flexible tube (with a tiny camera on the end) is passed though your mouth into your stomach.
- during a colonoscopy a thin flexible tube (with a tiny camera on the end) is passed up your bottom and into your large bowel (colon).
Both procedures are usually performed asleep.
At Gastro IQ we understand that waiting to have a gastroscopy or colonoscopy can be a nerve-wracking experience. That is why we offer a rapid ‘open-access’ service where you can book in for a procedure (usually within a week) without the need to have a separate specialist appointment beforehand. We will also endeavour to provide an appointment as soon as possible if a consultation is preferred before the procedures.
At Gastro IQ we offer:
– a short wait time
– affordable procedures (Cost)
– a safe and comfortable experience
– expert Gastroenterologists
– the latest equipment and technology
The specialists at Gastro IQ are highly trained Gastroenterologists with a special interest in performing high quality endoscopy procedures. We use the latest innovative technology and equipment to ensure your procedure is safe and effective.
We perform endoscopic procedures at several sites including:
– Manningham Endoscopy Centre (Templestowe Lower)
– Epworth Eastern (Box Hill)
– Eastern Health (Box Hill and Maroondah hospitals)
Contact us to find out more (including costs) about having a gastroscopy or colonoscopy.
Specialist consultation
At Gastro IQ we offer a Specialist consultation service for all gut-related issues. Our Gastroenterologists are trained in all aspects of gastrointestinal health including conditions affecting the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large bowel, liver and pancreas.
What is involved in a Gastroenterology consultation?
Most consultations involve taking a thorough history of your concerns or symptoms, as well as some background information such as your past medical history and medications.
With your permission, and depending on the issue, a physical examination is sometimes performed.
Previous tests and results are reviewed. Our doctors then formulate a provisional diagnosis and discuss this with you in detail. At this point additional investigations may be recommended while in other cases a specific treatment plan can be implemented straight away.
We strongly believe in explaining and educating our patients about their symptoms and conditions.
How much does it cost to see a Gastroenterologist?
All specialist consultations (initial and review) attract a $50 out of pocket fee.
Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common chronic gastro-intestinal conditions in the community. Frustratingly however, it is often misdiagnosed or dismissed as unimportant by many medical practitioners. Here at Gastro IQ we take IBS very seriously and recognize the significant impact it can have on people’s wellbeing, and enjoyment of eating and life in general.
Our IBS team takes a patient-centered approach, with investigations and treatments targeted specifically to your needs. Our treatments are backed by the latest scientific evidence and include dietary modification, psychological and drug therapies, including medicinal cannabis.
Find out more about Irritable bowel syndrome here.
Swallowing + Heartburn clinic
The Swallowing + Heartburn clinic at Gastro IQ is a streamlined clinic designed to provide rapid answers to patients experiencing symptoms such as:
– difficulty swallowing or “food getting stuck”
– heartburn including discomfort or ‘burning in the chest’
– an acidic or bile taste in the mouth
– chronic cough and throat discomfort
We take a comprehensive approach by combining both endoscopic inspection (gastroscopy) with functional testing (pH testing and manometry) to accurately diagnose the underlying problem.
Common questions and answers
1. I’m having trouble swallowing. What could be wrong?
There are 2 broad categories of swallowing problems
(i) Motility problems – these relate to dysfunction of the muscles of the oesophagus. These affect the ‘peristalsis’ or muscular contractions of the oesophagus and tend to cause issues swallowing both liquids and solids.
(ii) Structural problems – these relate to a narrowing or partial blockage of the oesophagus. Common causes include scarring, ulcers, inflammation and occasionally cancer. They tend to result in more of an issue swallowing solid foods.
2. I get a burning pain in my chest…is this heartburn?
Heartburn is a common symptom and describes a ‘burning’ feeling in the centre of the chest. It is common after meals and when lying down at night. It can also be associated with an acidic taste in the mouth.
The underlying process is actually called ‘gastro-oesophageal reflux’ and is caused by the backwash of gastric contents into the oesophagus. This often, but not always, causes discomfort.
There are however several other possible explanations and excluding a heart-related cause is very important. Having a clear diagnosis before starting long-term medications is also valuable.
Find out more about heartburn and common swallowing problems here.
In clinic Iron infusions
Iron is an important dietary mineral that is vital for our normal bodily functions. It is a key component of our red blood cells (haemoglobin), which carries oxygen around our bodies.
Low iron levels, also called ‘iron deficiency’, can impair our ability to transport oxygen to our tissues and cause the following symptoms:
- fatigue
- feeling tired
- poor concentration
- impaired fertility
- restless legs syndrome
Iron deficiency is common and may be due to several reasons:
- inadequate dietary intake
- your body’s increased demand for iron (eg during pregnancy
- bleeding (gastrointestinal or menstrual losses)
Our bodies need regular iron, which we obtain through our diet. Red meat in particular contains a high amount of iron. Other foods that are a good source of iron include chicken and fish, green leafy vegetables (eg. broccoli), raisins, nuts, prunes, dried apricots, seeds, dried beans and peas, and iron-fortified cereals, breads and pastas.
Replacing iron
(i) Iron tablets or liquid – are often recommended if your iron levels are only slightly low. Their use is sometimes limited by side effects including nausea and constipation.
(ii) An iron infusion – is an effective way to quickly boost your body’s iron levels. This often results in a rapid improvement in symptoms and provides enough iron for many months at a time.
Iron infusions are performed in our clinic under the strict medical supervision of our highly trained medical and nursing staff.
An iron infusion at Gastro IQ takes approximately 1 hour in total and attracts an out of pocket cost of $160. Please contact us for further information or to book an appointment.
Specialist Dietitian
Furthermore we know that our diet and microbiome play a role in regulating our immune system, and mediate the development / regulation of autoimmune conditions such as coeliac and inflammatory bowel disease.
Education and guidance from a qualified dietitian specializing in gastrointestinal disorders can have a dramatic effect on gut health and gut-related symptoms. We are able to provide assistance with a range of conditions and diets including:
- IBS and the low FODMAP diet
- Coeliac disease and the gluten-free diet
- Non coeliac gluten sensitivity
- Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis diets
- Fatty liver and diets for weight loss / healthy living
- Eosinophilic oesophagitis and elimination diet
We offer face to face and telehealth appointments. The out of pocket cost per consultation is $145 for an initial appointment and $95 for a review appointment. Rebates exist for patients with private health insurance or a GP management plan.